You are currently viewing Grassroots Training on Promotion and Utilization of Indigenous Vegetables, Emuhaya, Vihiga County.

Grassroots Training on Promotion and Utilization of Indigenous Vegetables, Emuhaya, Vihiga County.

Target Group: 30 participants of mixed age, gender and educational background

Date: December 2021

Brief Description:

In order to realize poverty reduction, the Kenya Country Office implements a number of programs associated with Training and Extension (T&E). Some of the training courses offered are In-country (ICT) and Grassroots trainings. Grassroots trainings are usually conducted by AICAD through support to community Based Organizations (CBOs) who demonstrate a felt need in the community. Grassroots trainings are intended to fill a specific gap in the target community.


  • Participate in food selection and preparation procedures
  •  Process, preserve and package locally available indigenous vegetables at the household level
  •  Utilize processed indigenous vegetables
  • Keep Basic records and identify markets for their products 

Summary of the training

The Grassroots training on Promotion and utilization of Indigenous vegetables in Vihiga County was successfully conducted with all the intended 30 beneficiaries reached. The training evaluations showed that majority of participants found the training to be beneficial. Participants felt that the training was designed well with relevant themes. All the participants expressed that they have learned new knowledge and skills.