The training course was conducted for a period of ten (10) days from 28th October 2019 to 8th November 2019. The training was held at Mtwapa Country Resort in Kilifi County with practical sessions being conducted at the Mtwapa Agricultural Training Center. The resource persons were drawn from CARE Kenya, Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) and AIDS Health Foundation. Throughout the workshop participants received handouts including action plans templates, case studies, assessment tasks and group exercises. The languages used during the training included English, Kiswahili and the local dialect of Giriama, Chonyi and MijiKenda. At the conclusion of the training all participants received a certificate of course participation from AICAD.
The following modules were designed to achieve the overall goal of the course:
- Module1: Gender and Legal Awareness
- Module2: Health and Home Care management
- Module3: Group management, Savings and Credit Management
- Module4: Crop production
- Module 5: Value Addition / Food Processing
- Module 6: Business/Entrepreneurship skills