Kakamega Bodaboda riders’ training

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Kakamega Bodaboda riders’ training

 Training aims

  • Improve road safety in Kenya through reduced accidents
  •  Enhance quality of passenger service
  • Reduce motorcycle operating costs

Specific Course Objectives

  • To create awareness on riding the motorcycle safely and responsibly
  • To create awareness on appropriate ways of carrying passengers safely 
  • To create a culture of keeping motorcycle in roadworthy conditions
  • To ensure compliance with transport traffic acts 
  • To ensure compliance with all road signs, signals and markings 
  • To create awareness on delivering good customer care
  • To impart knowledge on minimizing motorcycle operating costs 

Participants and duration

A total of 50 participants attended the training at the Western Regional office in Kakamega. The training was conducted for a period of five (5) days from 22 March 2021 to 26March 2021.

Summary of the training

The Boda Boda safety awareness training in Kakamega County was successfully conducted. From the training evaluations, it was evident that majority of participants found the training to be very beneficial.  Participants felt that the training was designed well with relevant themes. All the participants expressed that they have learned new knowledge and skills. Overall evaluation showed that the trainees were satisfied with the resource persons recruited and the general organization of the course. The assessment indicated that the participants fully attended, enjoyed and were happy with the way the course was conducted.