Target Group: – Thirty (30) Smallholder farmers from 3 Irrigation Schemes of Dakawa, Itete and Mvumi
Brief Description: –
The training aimed at enhancing food production, availability and food security as well as improving incomes of Rice farmers in the selected Schemes and the surrounding areas. Specific objective of the course was: –
- To improve farmers’ income through increased paddy productivity and production.
- To impart knowledge and skills for production of high quality seeds.
- To increase accessibility and availability of quality and improved paddy seeds.
To increase paddy productivity and production in the selected irrigation schemes and the surrounding areas
Quality Rice Seeds producer – Mr. Nasibu Katoto (In Rain boots) explaining a point during a visit to his seed farm. Course facilitator, Dr. Yasitha Ngogela of the Dept. of Crop Science and Horticulture – SUA, presenting a topic on Pesticides Application and Management to the course participants Participants discussing a point during the field at Mr. Katoto’s farm, on 27th May 2021.
Summary of the training:
The First In- Country Training Course on Quality Seed Production was a five (5) days training held in Morogoro Municipality at the Roman Catholic Social Hall (St. Patrick). The participants were drawn from three (3) irrigation Schemes of Itete (Malinyi District), Dakawa Irrigation Scheme (Mvomero) and Mvumi Irrigation Scheme (Kilosa District) – Morogoro region. Resource persons/facilitators were drawn from the pool of experts in crop prodution, plant breeding, seed production and seed certification from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Agricultural Researcher Institute (TARI) – Dakwa. Other experts were drawn from TOSCI – Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute. The training course was highly practical oriented and participatory. Modules/Topic covered l included: –
- Rice production methods
- Principles of seed production
- Ways to maintain seed quality, bagging techniques and post harvest handling
- Production of Quality declared Rice seeds
- Seed certification Procedures
- Action Planning and Field Trip